that's the real me.  

Posted by puu'

jaman sekarang byk bgd tag2an kuis di facebook,, ato PR2an di blogger,,
kadang2 aja yang seru,, ada juga yang basi.
ini sebenernya salah satu dari yang pasaran di facebook,, gw iseng aja coba2 dan soal kuisnya itu ga meaning sebenernya. tapi entah kenapa resultnya kok ngena bgd sm gw..padahal ngisi jawabannya asal..haha

this is the result.

Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

;;;;;;; dari dulu gw anaknya ga ribed,gw suka bergaul sm siapa aja dan gapernah milih2 mau cewe cowo tua muda kaya miskin direktur tukangparkir apakek apakek. gw anaknya netral- kcuali klo salah satu sisi itu ada yg bnr2 annoyed me dan udah sangat amat ngeganggu.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

;;;;;;; gw selalu suka sama cowo yang lebih pinter dari gw, bisa ngajarin gw tentang hidup dan byk hal lain, yang bisa ngedebat argumentasi gw dengan pintar-bukan dengan ego. yah,semakin dewasa-semakin gw bisa menyadari bahwa muka ganteng bukan berarti pasangan yg cocok ky mantan2 gw sebelomnya. ;)

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.

;;;;; yang ini gw no comment,gw rasa semua orang juga akan melakukan hal yang sama. ya kan?

The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?

;;;;; wah, flirting? gw ga nyadar klo gw sering nglakuinnya-ato emg gw gapernah nglakuinnya?. gw mah anaknya apa adanya aja deh, gaperlu kan setia bgd orangnya. hehe

Your views on education:
Education is less important than the real world out there, away from the classroom. Deep inside you want to start working, earning money and living on your own.

;;;; sebenernya iya sih, gw ngrasa teori2 yang diajarin di kelas itu sangat amat tidak berguna klo ga dipraktekan. tapi gw sadar, performa kita di kelas dan hasil yang tercetak hitam diatas putih kertas transkrip itu sangat amat berguna untuk mengantarkan kita ke 'kehidupan setelahnya' yg layak..

The right job for you:
You have many goals and want to achieve as much as you can. The jobs you enjoy are those that let you burn off your considerable excess energy.

;;;; gw gapernah punya cita - cita. semua profesi yang gw sebut cuma formalitas biar ga ngebuat bokap-nyokap malu didepan koleganya yg nanya. tapi gw punya banyak mimpi untuk hidup gw. dan gw pngen bgd bisa ngewujudin semua impian gw..

How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.

;;;; exactly! that's why i always try so hard!

What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.

;;;; ketika gw ga menguasai satu hal, gw takut. walopun terkadang gw nutupin dengan kata2 'yaa whatever will be,will be..', tapi gw bener2 takut!

Who is your true self:
You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.

;;;; that's the real me!

kuiz,kuiz..100 truths  

Posted by puu'

hmm,,saya udah lama jg ga update blog,,hehe.
bukannya ga sempet,,saya hanya disibukan dengan segala pikiran2 yang melayang di otak saya dan oh, itu menyiksa!

saya buka page saya,eh ternyata ad PR dr inyot alias citra alias adek saya yang paling nyebelin. haha piiisss...
yuk kita kerjakan..

001. Real name : Putu Agnia Sri Juliandri
002. Like it? : sure
003. Nickname(s): pu, puts,putu, puchu, agni, kania, whatever!
004. Status : it's too complicated NOW
005. Zodiac sign : Cancer
006. Male or female : Female
007. Elementary : Tadika Puri
008. Middle School : 115 junior high school
009. High School : 26 Senior High School
010. Hair color : black
011. Long or short : medium
012. Eye color : trully black
013. Weight : 49 kg (less that my sister!haha)
014. Height : i dont know exactly
015. Righty or lefty : right
016. Loud or Quiet : conditional
017. Sweats or Jeans : Jeans
018. Phone or Camera : Phone
019. Health freak : not too
020. Piercings? : nope
021. Do you have a crush on someone? : yes
022. Eat or Drink : Both
023. Purse or Backpack : Purse
024. Tattoos : hope i will get one,
025. Do You Like Yourself? : yeah sometimes
026. Current worry? : choose which one the best side, this world or another..

027. Orange or Apple Juice? : O.J
028. Night or Day? : both
029. Sun or Moon? : Moon
030. TV or Internet? : internet of course
031. PlayStation or XBox? : hmmm..
032. Kiss or Hug? : hug
033. Iguana or Turtle? : Turtle
034. Spider or Bee? : -
035. Fall or Spring? : Fall
036. Limewire or iTunes? LimeWire
037. Soccer or Baseball? : baseball

038. First surgery : not yet
039. First piercing : baby
040. First best friend : dephoy, *till now.. ;) miss u puy..
041. First Sport? : basketball
042. First award : waktu tk,sering juara,tp lupa
043. First crush : bobby? haha
044. First pet : wah,jd inget waktu kecil gw pernah beli itik pulang sekolah, sorenya tu itik dimakan kucing, gw nangis ngejer, sambil nyuruh org rumah ngejar tu kucing dan HARUS ketemu. *klo ktmu mo diapain ya?
045. First big vacation : Bali, skalian pulang kampung. haha
046. First big birthday : how big?

047. Eating : nothing
048. Drinking : nothing
049. I’m about to : lying in bed
050. Listening to : nothing
051. Singing? : nope
052. Typing? : this homework
053. Waiting for : nothing

054. Want kids? : yeah
055. When? : someday
056. Want to get married? : sure
057. When? : dunno
058. Where Do You Want To Live? : negara bebas dan have a punctual culture
059. Careers in mind : professional Public Relation Officer or CEO for multinational company
060. What Did You Want To Be When You Were Little? : saya gapernah punya cita-cita
061. Mellow Future Or Wild? : conditional
062. Something You Would Never Try? : makan cabe. hiiiiih..

063. Lips or eyes : eyes
064. Shorter or taller? : taller
065. Romantic or spontaneous : spontaneeusly romantic!
066. Nice stomach or nice arms : nice stomach pleaseee!!
067. Sensitive or loud : conditionally
068. Hook-up or relationship : relationship
069. Trouble maker or hesitant : hmm,
070. Hugging or Kissing? : Hugging
071. Tan Skinned or Light? Light
072. Dark or Light Hair? : Dark
073. Muscular or Normal? : Normal

074. Lost glasses/contacts : nope
075. Ran away from home : nope
076. Held a gun/knife for self defense? : engga
077. Killed somebody : oooh god,
078. Broken someone’s heart : i'm sorry,this is the best way for us..
079. Been arrested : about what?
080. Cried when someone died : of grandma..i love her so much
081. Kissed A Stranger? : haha yes, dan menyesal akhirnya
082. Climbed Up A Tree? : yes
083. Liked A Friend As More Than A Friend? : yes, BESTfriend

084. Yourself : sometimes
085. Miracles : hopefully
086. Love at first sight : not really
087. Heaven : sangat percaya dong
088. Santa Claus : nope
089. Kiss on the first date : no

090. Is there one person you want to be with right now : yes
091. Do You Like Someone? : yes
092. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life : try so hard
093. Do you believe in God : yes i do believe in God

094. Received/ Sent Text Message : at 07.18 pm
095.Received Call : at 077.10 pm
096. Call Made? : 02.56 pm
097. Comment On MySpace? : yes
098. Missed Call? : nope
099. Person You Hung out With? : iko,iko,iko,iko,iko,iko
100. Post as 100 truths and tag

i tag MOMON..

sialan gw diketawain,trus gw cakin,eh ketemu lagi..  

Posted by puu'

sabtu kmrn gw balik kbdg..
oke,itu hal terbodoh yg gw lakuin mnurut gw belakangan ini,,

penyesalan selalu dateng belakangan kan?

gw booked travel jam 5.45 am,,

brangkat dr rumah jam 5.15 am,

dijalan entah kenapa semuanya leleeet bgd.
lampu merah lama, mobil2 pd jln ditengah udah dikasih lampu dim masiih aja lelet,,
ah pokoknya serba lelet deh..

gw nyampe tempat travel pas bgd pas mobil travelnya kluar kompleks.

oke,gw nanya ke mas2 travel 'YANG SANGAT MEMBANTU',,

"yah mas,kok ditinggal sih,saya kan td udah nelfon,saya bilang udah deket tolong ditungguin,,kt mas2nya iya,eh malah ditinggal..
si mas2 bilang, "td saya coba konfirm ke henfon mbak ngga nyambung2 mbak.."
trus si mas2 yang mukanya mirip sama sahabatnya abang gw itu bilang klo mau nunggu sejam itu juga waiting list..
trus dy ngtawain gw..


gw cabut dulu deh,
mongomel2 males jg..

cari travel sana sini, telfon sanasini,, smuanya penuh.,

terpaksa deh gw dtg lg ke citytrans,nunggu yg waiting list itu..

tiap menit gw tanya, "mas,bisa gak??"

sampe si mas2 itu bosen kali ya..

bokap bilang, "yaudah pulang lg aja,gausah kebandung.."

hmm,,gw udah kepalang tanggung,udah kepalang janji, udah terlanjur bilang, yaa...
tp sumpah,klo emg gw gadapet travel yg waiting list gw bkl pulang,ngerem drmh!!

eh ternyata dapet!
sebelom brgkt gw sempet ngecakin si mas2nya sm abang gw,, "haa!ni mas2 branded bgd sih,,surf bgd anaknyaaa..."
trus gw ketawa2in gt.

dan nyeselnya ekspektasi gw salah semua begitu gw sampe bandung,
harusnya gw gausah kbdg ajah.. x(

oke,,dy ngetawain gw lagi..
trus gw malu akhirnya basa basi
"eh si mas,,kok bs ad di sini?"
kt dy "iya,jalan2"

trus msk travel kan,trus gw dy duduk,gw jg duduk..

trus dy nanya2 ttg kuliah dmn semester brp,yah basa basi laennya gt deh..

akhirnya diem jg.

gw buka kotak makanan gw,,*gw beli di ampera soalnya dr pagi blm mkn..
gw bilang ke mas2nya "mas,makan yaa.."

kt dy "oh iya,iya,,mkn yg banyak yaa.." *dengan nada ky ngomong ke nak kecil!
gw sms abang gw,dblsnya,,"haha,gampar aj mukanya yg murah senyum tapi nyebelin itu.."

gw malu bgd sm tuh mas2.

i love this song,,  

Posted by puu'

NeYo-Miss Independent

Ooh it's something about just, something about the way she moved
I can't figure it out, there's something about her (about her)
Say ooh, there's something about,
Kinda women that want you but don't need you
Hey, I can't figure it out, there's something about her
Cuz she walk like a boss, talk like a boss
Manicured nails, just sent the pedicure off
She's fly effortlessly
Cuz she moves like a boss, do what a boss
Do, she got me thinking about getting involved
That's the kinda girl I need

She got her own thing
That's why I love her
Miss independent
Won't you come and spend a little time ?
She got her own thing
That's why I love her
Miss independent
Ooh the way you shine
Miss independent

Hey yeh yeh, yeh yeh, yeh yehhh mmm

Ooh there's something about kinda woman that can do it for herself
I look at her and it makes me proud, there's something about her
There's something, ooh so sexy
About the kinda women that don't even need my help
She says she got it, she got it, no doubt, there's something about her
Cuz she work like the boss, play like the boss
Car and a crib, she about to pay 'em both off
And her bills are paid on time
She made for a boss, Soley a boss,
Anything less, she's telling 'em to get lost
That's the girl that on my mind

She got her own thing
That's why i love her
Miss independent
Won't you come and spend a little time ?
She got her own thing
That's why i love her
Miss independent
Oooh the way you shine
Miss independent

Yeh yehhh

Her favourite thing, is to say "don't worry I got it"
And everything she got, best believe she bought it
She gon' steal my heart, ain't no doubt about it,
Girl you're everything I need, said your everything I need

She got her own thing
That's why I love her
Miss independent
Won't you come and spend a little time ?
She got her own thing
That's why I love her
Miss independent
Ooh the way you shine
Miss independent
That's why I love her.

TOMORROW!! please attend- Simple Act, Huge Impact  

Posted by puu'

Youth to the Earth -

PboX Environment Opening Conference

Event Info

Time and Place
Saturday, February 7, 2009
9:00am - 4:00pm
Aula Timur ITB
Ganesha Street
Bandung, Indonesia

Contact Info


An opening of environmental events series held by AIESEC LC Bandung...!

This Opening Conference consist of:
Global Warming and its Impact to Bandung. A Seminar presented by Walhi.
Trash Management presented by YPBB.
Youth to Earth Talkshow with Abah Iwan and U-Green.
Workshop by Recycle Experience

The introduction of 10 Agents of Change from 10 high schools in Bandung.

FREE meals, FREE entry, and FREE knowledge!

*It is OPEN for each and everyone who care about our environment

Invite your friends!

Anyone who wants to come please register yourself to:
Ulil 085781514013
With format: Y2E


Posted by puu'

dari dulu saya gapernah suka nyetir malem2.
gelap, sinar lampu yang bikin pusing, byk hal yg nyeremin (preman2, motor2 yg doyan selapselip ga liat2 *mo buru2 sampe rumah x yaa,dll)

saya gapernah suka nyetir ketika ujan.
semua yang saya liat cuma air, embun dan cahaya lampu.

saya gapernah suka nyetir ketika emosi.
itu akan menambah dosa saya karena semua hal akan saya komentarin, saya caci, saya maki, dan pada akhirnya saya terjebak dalam pikiran saya sendiri dan akhirnya tidak fokus ke jalan.

saya cinta nyetir,
saya suka sensasinya,
ngebut di jalan, atau jalan santai,, kadang itu membuat perasaan saya damai, senang..
tapi saya tidak suka nyetir ketika malam + hujan + emosi yg gak stabil + sendirian.

belum lagi ditambah nyetir si merah *mobil saya,saya pernah cerita ttg si merah di blog saya yang lama..
si merah AC-nya lagi rusak.
kalau ujan, embun menutupi seluruh kaca.
nyetir dlm emosi yg ga stabil, malam, ujan deras, embun, sendirian, makin bertambahlah emosi..

ditambah pula player gw tombolnya ad yg rusak - bukan gara2 gw!!
oh merananya nasibkuu...