hmm,,too tired,,go to sleep!!  

Posted by puu'


gw udah blk dr semarang guys..

hmm,rasanya cuma ky pindah tempat gt doang,soalnya jadwal gw padet bgd jd gabisa jalan2..gabisa nikmatin bgd bedanya semarang-bandung-jakarta ky apa..

well, i met so many inspiring person in national conference.
kontennya emg agak berat sih di natcon kali ini,,lebih byk fungsional drpd yg laen2nya..
tp dengan itu gw jd tau bgd bahwa anak2 AIESEC itu bener2 jenius, konseptor & analitisator yg handal, pemikir ulung, tapi ga mengesampingkan hura2nya biar ga pd stress..

trustly,i wanted to share this in closing plenary last day, but i've just can't. dunno why.

"this is the coolest conference that i
ever had. i've got a higher spirit, i've got more knowledge about AIESEC and i
know now what we exactly have to do in AIESEC before-now-and after. i've got
nothing to say, i'm too spechless met great people like all of
you, met so many inspiring person like all of you. i know i can't be as
proactive as all of you guys, but i promise, i promise that i wil learn
more,over and over again till someday i can apply for the higher position in my
LC then MC then go for Exchange!!thank you guy, for inspiring me

trus blk dr semarang gw langsung dtg ke opening pbox HIV/AIDS di unpar,,
wooow.. ketemu inspiring person lagi..
mas bonang,, dy bs bangkit dan semangat untuk hidup ketika didalam tubuhnya ada virus HIV, dan melanjutan hidup, sampe skrg bisa nikah, bisa punya anak!!
waaaw kereeen... *skarang gw lg gabisa cerita sedetil2nya ttg kegiatan gw kmrn2 dr natcon sampe opening pbox..sebenarnya gw bisa ngedetilin cerita biar lo bisa tau gmn rasanya, tapi hmm..i'm too tired right now,,

mo beres2 barang dulu yaa,,berantakan sekali... x(
abis itu tidur!!!

This entry was posted on Saturday, January 31, 2009 at 6:43 PM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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